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Total Acid Number for Petroleum Products 


ARO Scientific has created certified reference materials to support quality control of total acid number for petroleum products.

Why is total acid number important?

The product under test may contain acidic constituents that are present as additives or from oxidation, contamination or degradation of products formed during use and service. These acidic constituents may indicate the presence of harmful acidic compounds that can accelerate the degradation of oil and lead to equipment failure.

Regular monitoring of total acid number can identify potential issues so that preventative measures can be taken to prevent costly breakdowns and extend the lifespan of machinery. This proactive approach helps in optimizing maintenance schedules, reducing downtime, and maximizing operational efficiency.

Verification, or other quality control processes applicable for the test method ASTM D664, or test methods IP 177, ISO 6619, where applicable.

Click here to view the Total Acid Number Product List

Alpha Resources also offers ARO Scientific certified reference materials for a number of specialty industrial applications. Click below for additional information.     


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