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Aluminum Capsules and Boats

Aluminum capsules are used in place of tin at times when measuring very low levels of carbon as it has a slightly lower carbon blank value. (Use caution, as aluminum does not combust very well.) 

Alpha Resources® offers USA-made sample containment options for all major OEM combustion analyzers (LECO®, HORIBA®, ELTRA®, Elementar®, and Bruker®, and more).  Our sample containment choices include capsule and boat options in nickeltinsilver, aluminum, and gel.

Latest News

Stevensville, Michigan, July 23, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC is pleased to announce the following new product offerings and updates in certified reference materials which have been released in Q2 of 2024 from their lab. Click here

Stevensville, Michigan, July 9, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC has recently expanded their product offerings to include borate flux options.  Click for details