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Alpha Resources® collaborates with Fortune 500 company to provide innovative solution for their strict internal quality control demands.

Our technical team was approached by a Fortune 500 company to help them with a Loss on Ignition or LOI/residue reference standard for testing a proprietary material they produce. Their process used a Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) and was modified to test their specific materials. Initially we were able to provide them with a reference standard that had somewhat similar properties for them to reference. The company’s product is highly proprietary and initially the customer was apprehensive about sharing further details with our team. Over time, as the customer became more familiar with Alpha Resources® and our personnel, their appreciation for our technical capabilities and confidence grew considerably.

After a few years, the raw material for the initial reference material was exhausted and left them looking for another source. The customer came to Alpha asking us to assist them in finding a replacement material. Our project team reviewed in detail the customer’s proprietary product and the specific needs of the customer. Through a collaborative and iterative process utilizing materials they found suitable to their testing, we were able to add our own proprietary process that resulted in a much better CRM for their use. The product had enhanced homogeneity and reliability far superior to the previous product(s) they have used. The new Certified Reference Material was produced under our Quality Management System that is accredited to ISO17034 for production of Reference Materials. The data provided is backed up by our ISO17025 accreditation for laboratory testing. We now exclusively produce and provide certificates of analysis for their internal usage.

Overall, Alpha Resources was able to deliver a superior CRM that enabled the customer to continue producing a reliable product.

"Alpha Resources is one of our most valued suppliers. Not only do they deliver each and every time but they will work with us on outside-the-box projects such as custom manufacturing a control sample for a very specific application. Bottom line…we count on them and they deliver." - Satisfied Customer

Download our new Organic Catalog to see what Alpha Resources can do for you. 

Published: 11.14.2018

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Stevensville, Michigan, July 9, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC has recently expanded their product offerings to include borate flux options.  Click for details

Stevensville, Michigan, April 23, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC has recently expanded their product offerings to include ARO Scientific standards. Click here to read more.